June 19, 2024

Subsidy Solar Panels

SIA “Malmar Sheet Metal” 03.06.2024. noslēdzislīgumu ar akciju sabiedrību „Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum” par atjaunojamoenergoresursu tehnoloģiju ieviešanas pasākuma projekta īstenošanu, ieviešotsaules enerģiju izmantojošās tehnoloģijas. Projekta rezultātā ražotnēpašpatēriņam tiks uzstādītas saules elektrostacijas ar jaudu 499kW. Projektuplānots pabeigt līdz 15.10.2024.


Projekta kopējās izmaksas plānotas 311 585.41 EURapmērā. Projekta finansēšanai SIA “Malmar Sheet Metal” saņem no Altum aizdevumu145 000.00 EUR apmērā. Veiksmīgas projekta īstenošanas gadījumāuzņēmums pretendē uz atbalstu jeb subsīdijas ekvivalentu 84 554.21 EUR apmērā.Aizdevums un kapitāla atlaide tiek finansēti no Atveseļošanas un noturībasmehānisma resursiem Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāna 1.2. reformu uninvestīciju virziena "Energoefektivitātes uzlabošana"īcijas "Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana uzņēmējdarbībā (ietverotpāreju uz atjaunojamo energoresursu tehnoloģiju izmantošanu siltumapgādē unpētniecības un attīstības aktivitātes (t.sk. bioekonomikā))"ākuma "Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana uzņēmējdarbībā (ietverotpāreju uz atjaunojamo energoresursu tehnoloģiju izmantošanu siltumapgādē)"ietvaros.

June 21, 2022

Flexible automation for separating and feeding nuts to projection welding machine

Automation of nut projection welding on sheet metal requires not only a robot that handles sheets, but also automatic feeding and positioning of the nuts. A nut separation and feeding system that allows an easy change between different nut types was not available on the market. The systems on the market allow nut separation and feeding for just one type of nut. However, these systems are only useful when large series have to be welded for the same nut, which is not the case at Malmar. Click on the link for more info.

April 6, 2022

Malmar improves quality and work environment through CPA automation

Malmar and Sirris are working on the 'Reconfigurable Cobotic Production Assistant:RECOPRODAS', which will allow Malmar to automate repetitive and manual tasks.This way, operators can focus on improving quality and their work environment will become more human-centered. Read this blog post from Sirris to have a better understanding of our project.

November 1, 2021

RECOPRODAS - Introduction

Earlier this year, Malmar and Sirris joined forces to set-up project RECOPRODAS. RECOPRODAS is part of a sub-project that has indirectly received funding from the European Union's H2020 research and innovation program via an Open Call issued and executed under project TRINITY (grant agreement No 825196). With this wonderful news, it's our honour to introduce this project and to convince other SMEs of our solution to achieve a flexible production of smaller series.

March 26, 2021

Malmar to the rescue!

Malmar to the rescue!

At the moment, all possible actions are being done to solve the crisis in the Suez Canal. It is no coincidence that the authorities use an excavator which is being assembled with strong parts from Malmar.

March 22, 2021

New Website

With the support of the Flanders Investment & Trade agency, Malmar was able to set-up a new website. This website highlights the transformation of Malmar from a typical supplier of metal components to a true supply chain partner. 

March 17, 2021

Discover how Malmar leverages on new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.

Digital transformation is now more important than ever before. Discover how Malmar leverages on new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.

March 16, 2021

The supply chain is facing nowadays big challenges.

The supply chain is facing nowadays big challenges related to material availability and price pressure in various areas. Malmar was able to react fast and make sure that our customers are not impacted by these market volatilities.

Don't hesitate to reach out in case you need support for the delivery of your components!

December 31, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

July 12, 2020

The tower was made possible thanks to the new bogie that can carry up to 38 tonnes

"The tower was made possible thanks to the new bogie that can carry up to 38 tonnes."
PS: That new bogie was made possible by Malmar with the production of a new crossmember type.

September 26, 2014

Company „Malmar Sheet Metal” has signed a contract with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

Company „Malmar Sheet Metal” has signed a contract No. L-APV-14-0201 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on September 26, 2014 about implementation of project „Development of infrastructure of Malmar Sheet Metal”, co-financed by European Regional and Development Fund. In September 2014 Malmar Sheet Metal signed contract with V.A.C. Machines NV/SA for supply of bending machines and laser cutting machine, but in October 2014 contract signed with SIA „Instro” about supply of milling machine. In April 2015 there were signed changes with LIAA about prolongation of project till June 26, 2015. Lasercutting machine and bending machines supplied by V.A.C. Machines NV/SA were delivered and installed already in May, but in June SIA “Instro” completes supply of new milling machine.